
In the realm of telecommunication and internet services, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) plays a pivotal role. AGR is a crucial financial metric used in the context of Internet Service Provider (ISP) licenses, serving as the basis for calculating license fees and ensuring regulatory compliance. In this article, we will delve into the concept of AGR, its significance, and how it impacts the ISP industry.

What is Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR)?

Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) is a financial indicator that measures the total revenue generated by an ISP from its licensed services. It includes all earnings from the provision of telecom services, such as internet, voice calls, data usage, and any other value-added services. Additionally, AGR comprises revenue earned from both core and non-core activities related to the ISP’s license. Below, we will put a short video on what AGR is:

The Significance of AGR:

The calculation of AGR holds immense importance for both ISPs and regulatory authorities. For ISPs, it serves as a benchmark for determining the applicable license fees and regulatory compliances. The revenue generated from AGR plays a pivotal role in the sustainability and growth of ISPs, as it directly impacts their financial obligations to the government.

For regulatory bodies, AGR acts as a tool for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the terms of the ISP license. It ensures that ISPs are accurately reporting their earnings and paying the appropriate fees as per the regulations.

AGR and License Fees:

ISP licenses typically come with a stipulated percentage of AGR that the ISP must pay as license fees to the regulatory authority. The license agreement defines this percentage, which can vary from country to country or even within different regions of a country. The calculation of AGR ensures that ISPs contribute their fair share to the government for utilizing the nation’s telecom infrastructure and resources.

AGR Controversies:

The concept of AGR has not been without controversies. Disputes between ISPs and regulatory authorities have arisen regarding the inclusion and exclusion of certain revenue components in the AGR calculation. For instance, there have been debates about whether revenue from non-core activities, such as the sale of handsets or other devices, should be considered part of AGR.


Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) is a fundamental financial metric in the context of ISP licenses. It encompasses the total revenue generated by an ISP from its licensed services, both core and non-core. AGR serves as the basis for determining license fees and ensuring regulatory compliance, playing a critical role in sustaining the growth and development of the ISP industry. Understanding AGR is essential for ISPs to fulfill their financial obligations to the government and for regulatory authorities to monitor the industry effectively.