Statutory Eligibility: In India, a Unified License is issued only to an Indian company, registered under the Companies’ Act, 1956. No individual / sole proprietorship / partnership concern is eligible to obtain an ISP authorization. Licenses are issued ONLY to a... Important definitions. One-time Entry Fee for authorization of each service and service area is payable before signing of license agreement and thereafter, every time you apply for additional authorization(License for another SSA) . For instance,if you’re already a... LIST OF SECONDARY SWITCHING AREA (SSA) For Class C License S. No. Telecom Circle/ Metro Area Secondary Switching Area 1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2 ANDHRA PRADESH ADILABAD 3 ANDHRA PRADESH ANANTPUR (GUNTKAL) 4 ANDHRA PRADESH CHITTOOR 5 ANDHRA...