Important definitions. One-time Entry Fee for authorization of each service and service area is payable before signing of license agreement and thereafter, every time you apply for additional authorization(License for another SSA) . For instance,if you’re already a... LIST OF SECONDARY SWITCHING AREA (SSA) For Class C License S. No. Telecom Circle/ Metro Area Secondary Switching Area 1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 2 ANDHRA PRADESH ADILABAD 3 ANDHRA PRADESH ANANTPUR (GUNTKAL) 4 ANDHRA PRADESH CHITTOOR 5 ANDHRA...
According to new data released by GSMA Intelligence, 3.8 billion people or half of the world’s population will be using mobile devices to access the Internet by 2020. And where will almost all of the additional mobile Internet users come from? The developing world!...