Both wireless and wired networks have their own advantages and disadvantages. You also have the option to choose a mixed network where you opt for a combination of both:

Communication MediumCopper, Fiber etc.Radio-wave frequency
StandardIEEE 802.3802.11 family
Mobility and RoamingLimitedHigher
SecurityHighLower than Wired. Also easy to hack
Speed / BandwidthHigh Speed up to 1 GbpsLower speed up to 50Mbps
ReliabilityHighLower than Wired
Flexibility to changeLess flexible to changesMore flexible configuration
Working principleCSMA/CD, operates by detecting the occurrence of a collision.CSMA/CA , hence reduces possibility of collision be avoiding collision from happening
Interference and Fluctuations vulnerabilityVery LessHigh
Installation activityCumbersome and manpower intensiveLess labor intensive and easy
Installation TimeTakes longer time to performVery less deployment time
Dedicated / Shared ConnectionDedicatedShared
Installation CostHighLow
Maintenance (Upgrade) costHighLow
Related equipmentRouter, Switch , HubWireless Router, Access Point
Benefits* Greater Speed
* Higher noise immunity
* Highly reliable
* Greater Security
* No Hassles of Cable
* Best for mobile devices
* Greater mobility
* Easy installation and management

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