On the road back from Hanle, Ladakh, our team encountered something extraordinary. In the remote beauty of Gompo village, we met a group of women who could only be described as the Ladakhi Clean Up Heroes. With no financial aid or government support, these women regularly gather in groups of five, each covering different stretches of land, to pick up trash left behind by tourists. Their efforts are a stark reminder of the increasing litter problem in Ladakh, driven largely by the influx of domestic travelers.

What stood out most was their sense of responsibility. Without complaints or demands for resources, one woman simply said, “This is our home. If we don’t take care of it, who will?”

The Growing Problem

Tourism has brought economic benefits to Ladakh, but it has also resulted in a surge of litter, particularly from domestic Indian travelers. Pristine landscapes are now blemished with plastic bottles, wrappers, and waste. As these women explained, the trash problem has escalated over the past few years, threatening the beauty of their homeland.

Amy Vanakan, a photographer from Colorado who documents disappearing cultures, joined us and shared her reflection on this: “Being a traveler is such a privilege, so please be respectful of other people’s homes.” Her words echo a sentiment we must all remember: travel is not just about experiencing new places but also about leaving them as we found them—or better.

Action Over Words

The Ladakhi Clean Up Heroes embody action. Their work, done without fanfare or outside assistance, is a powerful example of what real environmental stewardship looks like. Each group covers a stretch of five kilometers, and their dedication is a reminder that even the smallest efforts can create meaningful change.

Littering is not just an environmental issue—it’s a reflection of how we value the places we visit and the communities we impact. The responsibility to keep these places clean extends to everyone, young and old alike. Teaching this sense of accountability is crucial if we want to preserve not just Ladakh but every natural space for future generations.

Why It Matters

Littering shows a lack of respect for the environment and the people who live in these spaces. It’s easy to think that one discarded bottle won’t make a difference, but when millions of people think the same way, the damage becomes significant.

They remind us that protecting the environment doesn’t require grand gestures—just simple, consistent action. If these women, with no outside help, can make a difference, so can we.

As we left Gompo village, their message resonated deeply: “If we don’t take care of it, who will?” It’s a call to action for all of us, to be more mindful of our impact and to take responsibility, no matter where we are. Through our actions, we must educate the young and old alike on the importance of keeping our planet clean.