The user authentication system can also be considered as a ‘login validation system’ for those who want to access the wireless network for free Internet. A database of successfully logged in users is maintained through this system as per legal requirements. Instead of...
ENABLING FREE INTERNET ACCESS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES USING A PARTICIPATORY DESIGN APPROACH by JINESH NAGIN PAREKH Masters of Science in Human Computer Interaction Institute of Informatics Tallinn University, Estonia 2015... Dear college students in India, This is important. By answering these 8 questions you will help us understand the following: 1. The current problems you face while accessing Internet 2. Identify the best places to activate free WiFi hotspots for students in India...
via चहाच्या टपरीवरही फ्री 'वाय-फाय'! | मुंबई : चहाच्या टपरीवर चहा पिता पिता आपल्या फ्री इंटरेनटचा वापर करता आला तर… होय, ही कल्पनाही आता प्रत्यक्षात आलीय. चहाचा घोट घेता घेता फोर्टमधील एका चहाच्या दुकानात वाय-फायचा आनंद सध्या मुंबईकर...
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